TUXEDO Pulse 15 - Gen2

January 25, 2023

Lang: cs en de es

I don't need a lot of power, but the computer is a working machine and so I need to invest in it regularly. When I looked around to see if there was a laptop that would meet my long and specific requirements for a reasonable price, I finally found the TUXEDO Pulse 15 Gen2, which I purchased

I bought a new laptop and, as always, I'm going to make a note of it, because it's the sort of thing one can go back to and later re-evaluate or take as a basis for inspiration for the next purchase. For example, this is how I kept coming back to the topic of choosing a monitor when buying a desktop computer. Also, this article will serve to inform and inspire others and as an unbiased evaluation, that I can add to over time.

As a desktop I use computer with Intel Xeon E3 1226 CPU and plenty of storage space.

As a mobile work machine, I used a laptop Thinkpad X1 Carbon. However, the CPU power and storage space was no longer enough for me.

So a new laptop would make my frequent travel much easier and, if more powerful, would replace my desktop.

Choosing a laptop

The common manufactured laptop are primarily made to meet the requirements of marketing, but not for professional work. Thus, they are often ergonomically poor and without the option to choose a model with more specs in the base. However, I browsed through the basic range of https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/ and discovered some interesting models. Plus, they have a configurator so one can select higher parameters. And because it's a company that targets Linux users, there's a guarantee of good Linux support and you don't have to pay for an unusable Windows operating system, which should only be run in a virtual server, see Windows only in a virtual server.

I'll leave the selection method for a more detailed review article. The main ideal requirements were: a good keyboard without number pad, high resolution display, AMD processor(performance) and not NVida graphics (bad drivers). It turns out that there is a TUXEDO Pulse 15 Gen2 that meets all of my requirements.

Other interesting products

Interesting laptops from other companies:


  • 8-core AMD Ryzen 7 5700U-35W processor
  • ATI Graphics
  • High resolution 2560 x 1440 display, refresh rate 165hz
  • Weight 1.5 kg
  • Up to 64Gb RAM
  • Up to 2x 2TB disk storage

Detailed list the TUXEDO Pulse 15 Gen2 hardware using the lshw command.

Video Tour

A short video tour of the TUXEDO Pulse 15 Gen2:

Official website

More details and pictures on the official manufacturer's website about TUXEDO Pulse 15 Gen2 laptop.


I have been using the TUXEDO Pulse 15 Gen2 laptop everyday for four months now and I have to praise it. I am continuously taking notes and preparing a more detailed review.


I wrote a more detailed article about the Tuxedo Pulse 15 Gen2 laptop for root.cz.

I also got a tip on linux Slimbook laptops, but as I looked, there are only two models with Nvidia graphics, which I'm currently avoiding. However, the resolution of the laptop is great.

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