Bc. Josef Jebavý: IT consultant, Linux, software development, DevOps, IoT

March 8, 2007

Lang: cs en de es

I am involved in many different things whether it be work, home or leisure. I am driven by informatics.


After graduating from high school, where I was a successful solver in math and physics Olympiads, I graduated CVUT FEL in computing engineering, where I gained theoretical knowledge of electronics, programming, computer hardware and computer science in general.

Skills and experience

I am involved in server administration and development of customized software projects and in combination with electronics.
I program in languages such as Java, Python, PHP, SQL and I script in Bash. I'm happy to use C++ where necessary. I also like SQLite, XML, JUnit, DBUS, for example.
I'm into plotting data in OpenStreetMap and these maps I also use in various formats in different projects and devices.
I am no stranger to networks whether wired or wireless, network protocols or computer hardware.
I have no problem connecting low-level tasks with high-level ones. For example, couple hardware, program a microcontroller in C and then connect the device to a PC, where it processes everything a Java program. I enjoy big projects like this with complex architecture and I enjoy.

I develop customized projects that serve to wireless data collection. These are complex projects with the design and manufacture of hardware that then interfaced to a PC/server where the collected data is processed and displayed.
I install GNU/Linux on desktops or servers.
I deploy RaspberryPI as an embedded PC.
I deploy ready-made opensource solutions to customers and then maintain and modify them, eshop Prestashop. However, I do not do graphic design.
For peace of mind and sanity, I only use GNU/Linux. I do not deal with Windows installation and Windows-only issues and technologies.
I develop electronic devices.
With my broad skills, I can develop projects in a comprehensive manner, that combine electronics, hardware, software and state-of-the-art technology.

Service offerings

Here is my professional services website.
And here's a menu of specific typical packages related to Linux installation and server management.
To keep your data safe, I have developed a unique backup solution that will protect your data even from ransomware.

Free Time

I'm no stranger to sports, plus it's a must for a programmer! I take a holistic view of sport, which is why I do a variety of sports: cycling, weight training, swimming. I'm also interested in sports professionally, so I also educate myself in this field and read books with professional sports topics. Thanks to theoretical knowledge and experience from racing practice, I know how to train properly, how to eat and how to recover. I prefer to regenerate in the sauna.

Optimal performance also includes a good lifestyle: rest, fun, diet, etc. That's why I often cook delicious meals that provide energy for my muscles and brain. I have published the modified recipes I cook as a PDF cookbook.

I have been a successful aeromodeller for years. I have built many aircraft such as the three-meter Monarch glider. I have also realized modified aircraft or aircraft of my own design, for example jeseter aircraft.

I was into railway modelling. I have a track and a train set the size of TT.

In grade school and high school, I went fishing in the spring and summer. I used to ride my bike to fish and I liked to fish with a float tube. I became very good at this method and even made my own floats.

Thanks to my excellent manual dexterity and technical skill, I was gluing intricate paper models even as a young boy. For example, a mechanically functional paper model of Tatra 815.

I am involved in aquaristics. I grow aquarium plants and keep aquarium fish. And I have successfully propagated plants and fish. I have successfully bred fish from the genus labyrinthid cichavec golden.

I grow flowers, mainly palms and cacti. I am also reasonably ecologically oriented. I don't drink hard alcohol and I don't smoke.


My favourite Czech bands are:
Kabat, Alkehol, Arakain
and my favorite singer is:
Daniel Landa

On other sites

I actively participate in discussions on web portals, where I help answer questions from beginners. I write articles for these web portals, mostly for root.cz. I have also published in print periodicals, most often in Practical Electronics Amateur Radio. For more information about my professional publishing.

You can find me on these portals and social networks:
josef jebavy tiktok

Racing cyclist training diary

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